Financial Planning

Disability Insurance: An Essential Piece of Financial Protection

Disability insurance is an important part of any financial plan. It provides income protection in the event that you are unable to work due to a disability. This type of insurance can help you maintain your standard of living and meet your financial obligations if you are unable to work for an extended period of time.

One reason to consider disability insurance is that the likelihood of experiencing a disability at some point in your life is higher than you might think. According to the Social Security Administration, one in four 20-year-olds will become disabled before they retire. This means that even if you are young and healthy, you could still be at risk of experiencing a disability that prevents you from working.

Another reason to consider disability insurance is that your employer's group disability insurance may not be enough to meet your needs. Many employer-provided plans only offer partial income protection, and they may not cover the full range of disabilities that could prevent you from working. In addition, employer-provided plans may have limits on the amount of time they will pay benefits, which means that you could be at risk of losing your income if your disability lasts longer than the plan allows.

By purchasing your own individual disability insurance policy, you can ensure that you have the income protection you need in the event of a disability. This type of insurance can provide you with a steady stream of income that can help you meet your financial obligations and maintain your standard of living, even if you are unable to work for an extended period of time. It's an important part of any financial plan, and one that you should consider as you plan for your financial future.